Al Manhal full-text searchable databases of thousands of eBooks, eJournals, eTheses and eClusters are an essential resource for any academic and research libraries.
Why Subscribe to Al Manhal?
- Full-text searchable Arabic research platform
- Flexible pricing model: Subscription or Perpetual Access bases
- Affordability of thousands of ePublications
- Continuous growth in titles at no extra cost
- Unlimited simultaneous access
- Unparalleled breadth and depth across multiple subjects
- “MARC21” records for eBooks
- COUNTER compliant usage reports
- IP and remote access authentication allows secure 24/7 access from any device
- Al Manhal’s platform provides libraries with usage-based business models which assist our library customers in making more effective investments in future subscription
- Anti-plagiarism detection
- More value for library budgets
- No risk of damage, loss or theft
- No shipping and handling costs
- No shelf space needed
Our research-centric platform integrates intelligent research and utility tools to enhance the user experience. Some of our features include:
- Powerful full-text search and discovery tools
- Contextual linking and searching
- Highlighting, annotating and personalized ‘bookshelves’
- Copy, paste and print with automatic citations
- Customized, cross-resource search options
- Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) for all journal articles
- Indexed by Summon™, EBSCO, CrossRef, OCLC and other discovery services
- Simultaneous search across multiple titles, collections and databases
- Reliable publishing platform with international support services