In order to enable maximum discovery of its content, Al Manhal has partnered with OCLC Worldcat to index our growing databases. Library users utilizing this discovery service will now be able to search against Al Manhal books, journals, reports, and dissertations. OCLC is a worldwide library cooperative, owned, governed and sustained by members since 1967. Its public purpose is a statement of commitment to each other—that they will work together to improve access to the information held in libraries around the globe, and find ways to reduce costs for libraries through collaboration. OCLC's public purpose is to establish, maintain and operate a computerized library network and to promote the evolution of library use, of libraries themselves and of librarianship, and to provide processes and products for the benefit of library users and libraries, including such objectives as increasing availability of library resources to individual library patrons and reducing the rate-of-rise of library per-unit costs, all for the fundamental public purpose of furthering ease of access to and use of the ever-expanding body of worldwide scientific, literary and educational knowledge and information.